Saturday, December 13, 2008

Other (Pronouns, Articles, etc)

Here are a few other useful pieces:

Feminine: -oeg, oula
Masculine: -in, -akehs
Neuter: -aki

Definite article: koh, keh, kor. Corresponds to masculine, feminine, neuter declensions, but is not declined. "The journey": koh Poros.

Pronouns, declined as masculine regardless of gender they refer to, except er'ar and er'ad, which are declined as fem. and neut. respectively.

I- emos
you - edos
formal you- edjeyos
he - erehos (er'os)
she - erehar (er'ar)
it - erehad (er'ad)

Capitalization: I have taken to capitalizing nouns, as in German. I find it easier to keep track of what I'm saying. I don't see this as a general rule of the language, but it IS very convenient.

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